Monday, September 24, 2007

My Auntie's Birthday

My Aunt turned 80 this last week.... Here is a picture of the beautiful 80 year old and my daughter and myself. She has been a grandma, mom, and special aunt rolled into one... not sure what I would do without her.


I said I wouldn't be one of THOSE who didn't post to their blogs regularly, and already I am guilty. But I think I have good reasons... I quit one job and started another job closer to home. Only a 16 mile commute instead of the 40+ mile commute. So then today I got VERY busy creating.... Here are a few creations...

Friday, September 7, 2007

So Fun This Blogging Thing

I found a few blogs today... Thanks to Christina... and found this picture that I was waiting for someone to forward to me... Thanks Traci for sharing on your blog. Way back when 17 years ago at college (the first time around, when I still wanted to be a teacher) these girls, plus a few, were at B'ham also. We enjoyed some fun times together. We reunited this August (thus the picture) at convention. How Fun!

More Cards

Thought I would just add a few more cards I have done this last week. Inspiration hasn't quite hit yet for me, I am so needing to get creative with embellishments, etc.... but the more I am in my scrap haven the better the inspiration (I hope:)

First Posting

Ok... so this is my first post... thought I better at least try to add something, so my blog wasn't empty. I made this card for a friend of my sons, using watercolors, one of my favorite things to do.

Hope to add some more creations soon.