Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I love coffee! But truly I wonder if it is coffee that I enjoy or the stuff you put in it. I have a red espresso maker and I make my own lattes each day, (each day is EVERY DAY) my favorite drink is a double sugar-free fat-free Vanilla Caramel Latte.
2. I am a registered nurse, and I love my job! Actually I love the work I do... I never thought I would like to be an ER nurse or OB nurse or Med/Surg nurse. HOWEVER, I wear all those hats and I LOVE IT! My dad was a doctor and my mom was a nurse and i avoided medicine at all costs until I hit 30... then I felt the need to be a nurse!
3. I met my husband Tony at Chelan Convention, church fellowship, 18 years ago this past June. We dated for 2 months then I broke up with him for 3 months then I soon realized how much I missed him and begged him to take me back, within 7 months we were married.
4. If my daughter Tori would have been a boy I would have named him Gharrett. So I think my hubby was very glad that it was a girl.
5. I am not very creative.. but I do happen to do a good job if I can lift an idea from someone else's brilliant ideas.
6. My middle name is Lucille. Have no idea why they named me that?
7. I always wished people would call me Kate or Lucy... Funny how my human nature is... if I was called Kate or Lucy I would probably want to be called some other nickname. heehee
Hi Katrina- thanks for leaving your message on our blog! I check yours quite often too- your house is really gorgeous- you must be so excited!
Would love to see you guys sometime other than just once a year at convention! We may plan 1 more camping trip this summer somewhere over in E. Washington- we will keep you posted! Natalia would love to see Luke- she just loves him and she even talks about him sometimes! : ) E-mail me if you know of any good campgrounds over your way!!
Hi Katrina! I think we could be twin sisters! Thanks for the tag and so sorry it seems I took so long to get my tag done! It's there now!
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